GP Training Practice
Holes Lane Medical Limited is a training practice. You therefore may be offered an appointment with a qualified doctor gaining experience in general practice or be asked if one may be present whilst you consult your own doctor. If you prefer to see your doctor in private, please let us know.
Registrar Doctors
Registrars are fully qualified doctors who have decided they would like to become GPs. They will undertake a minimum of six months of `on-the-job
` training with us here at Holes Lane Medical Limited and are supervised by the partners.
Medical Students
Our practice is a community teaching practice for Health Education North West. With the supervision of your doctor or nurse, medical students may, with your consent in advance, join your consultation. This is one way medical students learn to become good doctors and understand patient views about their care. We appreciate your help with their learning. Please let your doctor or the Practice Manager know if you have any questions about our community medical teaching.